02 November 2008

Investing in a Process vs. a Product

I am not the first to point out that when markets are in a free-fall, it often makes for a great buying opportunity (given the benefit of hindsight, and of course, the availability of "dry powder" to actually do the buying with.) A recent article in the November issue of Wealth Manager makes the observation that most investors tend to follow the emotions of fear and greed. They continue to buy what is going up, and sell out of what is going down. Precisely at the wrong time, though.

One way to overcome the dueling emotions of fear and greed is to have a disciplined investment process. This can be accomplished using a professional adviser, or having the time and ability to go it alone. Note, that many advisers are guilty of the same thing as individual investors, since they don't have a disciplined process, often they are just pushing a "product".

I have always maintained that I cannot see into the future when it comes to the direction of the market, but I do sleep well at night because I have a process. In my case, and with my firm it boils down to active asset allocation using low-cost investments, and making necessary adjustments as the market dictates. Investment products are difficult to judge, open up any issue of Money magazine, and they will invariably have an article pointing out the "Top Funds of Last Year" (or something similar). Numerous academic studies have shown the folly of expecting these will be the best funds to be in going forward. Again, that is merely going after a "product" and not a "process". Long-term success with investing comes with patience and discipline; both often missing in the midst of a bear market - when they are needed most!


Anonymous said...

As a fellow RIA, I am always trying to tell my clients the same thing. Some listen, some do not....but it really does come down to patience and expectations.