05 April 2009

Selecting an Investment Advisor

It was about 15 years ago when I was a young, idealistic, new investment representative. Working for a well-known, national brokerage firm, I was eager to learn the best practices of successful advisors. I joined a networking group with the hope of gathering wisdom from the investment industry’s best. Each month we would meet to analyze client cases. I presented the case of a client who would be coming to see me that day. My client had recently sold a second home and had $125,000 he needed to invest. After presenting my case I waited to hear the advice of these veteran financial planners. The most successful of the group confidently announced that I should recommend the XYZ variable annuity. I had never sold this product before so I asked for an explanation. My mentor told me the reason to sell the variable annuity was “YTB”. All of the other representatives in the group nodded in agreement but I’d never heard of “YTB”. Thinking I was unfamiliar with a unique product feature, I asked for an explanation. The group laughed and said “YTB” meant “Yield to Broker”. The product they recommended gave the highest payout in the industry. As I listened to the other presentations, I realized that all they ever recommended to each other were the products that paid the most or offered the best “due diligence” trips. Soon after I stopped meeting with this group. My wide-eyed innocence was gone.
The lesson that I hope you take from this is to get to know your advisor and approach each recommendation with a critical eye.


Anonymous said...

so true, they sell you the investments that make them money. period. NOt what is most suitable for the client